Y'daee wass aa verii torturingg daee manzz..miee nn lhh in clazz keepp thinkinn abtt the results ltrr at 11.3opm..wee bothh lykk cannott concentratee liddatt lorxx..wee bothh keepp sayinn veryy scaredd thatt derrickk nn sebastiann will bee eliminated lorxx..thenn we bothh keepp sayinn noo lohh to eachh otherr..mostlyy ish ii keepp reassurringg herr tt derrickk wunn gett outt lohh..shee reallyy thinkk too muchh lerxx lohh..thenn tt au wantingg keepp suanninn us..thenn we anwhoww keepp sayinn shee lykk m5..hahazzz..then att nitee lerxx horxx..lhh nn au wantingg sms mie..lhh say veryy nervouss n scaredd..ii osoo..scared untill gg too cryy liaoxx..then tt au wantingg sayy thee resultss ltrr gonnaa be verii excitinn..hahazZz..au wantingg sms shoo fastt manzz..hahazz..thenn we bothh tokk a lott off crapp abtt thee contestantss lorxx..ii gott shockedd manzz..thee quan yifeng sayy wrongly..goo sayy.."m4 weiqiang thenn dunoo wadd ji jiangg beii taoo taii"..thenn i verii shockedd..ii thott he gott outt lehxx..scaree miee..makee mee almostt cryy..thenn nvmm..ltr call raymondd n derrickk oso...thenn i wass lykk..wadd thee..ii lykk all 3 off themm lohh..butt noo choicee..i ppreferr sebastiann nn derrickk more..sho ii wass theree prayinn..plss lett itt bee raymondd..thenn reallyy wass raymond lohh..ii wass shoo happy forr sebastiann butt sadd forr raymondd alsoo lorxx..i wass theree cryinn..luckilyy myy mamaa dinn see mee..iff nott shee thinkk i crazziee..ii dinn noee itt was tearss off joyy orr tears off happinesss..saww sebastiann cryy..see lerxx moii heartt verryy painn..sobx sobx..thiss ishh gonnaa drivee miee crazzie..it'ss gonnaa affecct moii studiess...haizZz..kzz..gonna endd heree noww..sebastiann n derrickk add oill worx!! JIA YOU!!!
what we could have been, 6/30/2005 10:19:00 PM.
ToDaEe GoTt [Juee duii supastarr]!!..shooo happyy!!..camee hmm frmm caryn's hsee aroundd 8pmm..cozz off daa stooopidd chinesee projectt..noww stilll havenn finishh yett..haizzz..anww..dunn wannaa tokk boutt itt..juzz dampenss moii moodd..[juee duii supasterr] shooo nicee mann!!..evenn though 4 oncee miee n lh gott differentt idoll butt bothh ourr idoll performm 2getherr 2daee..hahazzz..theyy bothh juzz lookk shooo cutee..espp. [wei qiang]..shooo shuaii osoo!!..juzz can't helpp itt..i feell shooo mesmerizedd byy himm..i 'bei dian dao' lerxx..hahazZz..he'ss moii [juee duii supastarr] 4eva..ii juzz lurvee himm lotss..**mwuuarkss**..kekezzz..butt thee stoopidd judgess givee himm shooo loww pointss..theyy jealous hee cutee n shuaii lahzzz..hmphh..nvmm..ass longg ass ii votee manyy manyy timess 4 himm thenn cann lerxXx..juzz cross moii fingerss he doesn'tt gett eliminatedd..cozz ii reallyy lurvee himm lotss...noo matterr wad..i'll supportt himm 4evaa nn ii havee lotss off faithh inn himm..ii noee clearlyy tt he'll makee itt 2 daa finalss..definitelyy..
[wei qiang] takee caree worx..**mwuuarkss**
what we could have been, 6/29/2005 11:30:00 PM.
ShoOo HaPpYy!!..Y??..CoZz MoIi BloGg FInAyY ReAdYy LeRxX..ErMm..ALmOsTt..HaHazZz..OnLyY HaVeNn InSeRtT TaGbOaRdD NIaA..AnWw..ImM JuZz ShoOo ExCiTeDd BoUtT 2mLl..CoZz 2mLl DeE [JuEe DuIi SuPaStArR] GoTt [WeI QIaNg] n [WeI JiAn] (Lh-DunN SaYy Ii VeRyY BaDd ArHh)..HaHazZz..ThEyY BoThH ReALlY VeRyY CuTeE..EsPp. [WeI QiAnG]..ShOoOo ShUaIi..JuZz LuRvEe HiMm..**MwUuaRksS**..KzZz..GoNnaA StOpP HeReE FeRr NoWw..
VoTeE 4 [WeI QiAnG] WoRxX!!! [sMs M4 To 78277]
what we could have been, 6/28/2005 06:08:00 PM.